CIP-GPLUS Potato Breeding, Kampala Uganda, Jan2022

Gender Matrix Study

A study conducted in Jan 2022 at Hillside, Kampala-Uganda to consolidate application of gender responsive breeding tools (G+ Tools) for Potato breeding.


  1. Red Skin-Yellow Flesh Colour (Raw Material Characteristic of Boiled Potato)
  2. Big Sized Tuber (Raw Material Characteristic of Boiled Potato)
  3. Smooth Skin (Raw Material Characteristic of Boiled Potato)
  4. Firm/Hard Tuber (Raw Material Characteristic of Boiled Potato)
  5. No damage E.g. Cuts, Holes, Etc. (Raw Material Characteristic of Boiled Potato)
  6. Good Eyes (Few Eyes, Shallow Eye Depth. Raw Material Characteristic of Boiled Potato)
  7. Easy to Peel (Processing Characteristic of Boiled Potato)
  8. Cooks Fast/Easy to Cook (Processing Characteristic of Boiled Potato)
  9. Moderately Firm (Neither too soft nor too hard. Final Boiled Potato Characteristic)
  10. Mealy (Final Boiled Potato Characteristic)
  11. Good Taste of Boiled Potato (Final Boiled Potato Characteristic)
  12. Good Boiled Potato Smell (Final Boiled Potato Characteristic)
  13. Yellow Colour (Final Boiled Potato Characteristic)

Additional Information (requires login)

  1. Download complete files and raw datasets (STATA, SPSS, Excel, CSV, SASS), Pictures, Audio recordings, Questionnaire, Codebooks and Reports.
  2. Detailed information on Data Collectors (enumerators) and data submissions